Interested in learning more about CVPA through volunteering?
We are looking to grow our organization as we work to explore repurposing this unique site. Much of the work is done at the committee level. And this can be a great way to learn and contribute.
Committee meetings can be in-person, virtual, or a combination of both. The committees meet several times throughout the year.
Descriptions of our working committees are below. If interested, please click on below, and a CVPA committee member will reach out to you to provide further information.
Volunteer Opportunities
Events Committee
The Events Committee is focused on developing, organizing and managing all aspects of CVPA’s annual Fundraising Event (party). This event is our in-person fundraiser for the organization, and is scheduled for late spring/early summer. The committee begins planning the event in the late fall/early winter with more concentrated organizing occurring after the holidays. For those interested in helping with a party, this may be the committee for you.
Communications committee
This committee develops content and manages the CVPA newsletter and provides guidance to the organization about information messaging. The committee manages the website and social media communication.
As the committee grows, there is potential for larger outreach and publicity to a broader audience. Skills in publicity, writing, design, digital marketing, graphic design, or technology are especially appreciated.
Finance/ Grants Committee
The Finance/Grants committee oversees CVPA's finances; maintains financial records and reports; develops and manages operating budgets; monitors and administers grants; and works to ensure there are adequate resources to carry out projects and to meet CVPA's mission.
Landscape Committee
The Landscape committee assesses maintenance needs on the grounds of The Point, including the areas next to and around the main house and the brick barns, as well as the main entrance drive from the Hoyt Carriageway Bridge to the site. Willing committee members assist physically in such maintenance as needed, including brush and limb clearing, weeding and controlling invasives. The committee also leads the I Love My Park Day volunteers each May, who register to assist in similar clearing efforts.
A new focus of the committee will be to research original trees, plantings and vistas at The Point, in order to guide CVPA in restoration plans.
Restoration and Re-Use Committee
The Restoration and Re-Use Committee is exploring potential adaptive re-use concepts for the Hoyt House and its surrounding landscape and outbuildings at The Point. We are considering the feasibility and possible development of this historic site to house a restoration trades school or other community-based use. Skills or experience with education, preservation, public or private real estate development, and community engagement would be particularly helpful.